Organisational Model and Code of Ethics
Together, the Organisational Model and the Code of Ethics constitute the set of rules which, in compliance with the current provisions of Italian law, govern the behaviour of Seli employees and all those who come into contact with the Company. The purpose of these documents is to prevent violations from being committed during the course of company business, ensuring fairness and transparency.
SELI Overseas S.p.A. focuses on creating value for all stakeholders, through careful management of the corporate risk profile and conduct that is always correct and transparent towards all stakeholders.
Seli Overseas S.p.A. has adopted the Anti-Corruption Model in accordance with ethical standards and in full compliance with international and national regulations on the prevention of corruption in all its forms, both direct and indirect, as well as integrity, transparency and fairness as the Company carries out its works.
The Anti-Corruption Model is adopted in order to provide a systematic reference framework for the regulatory instruments and policies on Anti-Corruption, which Seli Overseas S.p.A. intends to pursue in order to exclude conduct involving active and passive corruption, in particular, for offers or requests for money, benefits and/or other benefits, or payments, made or received, by anyone acting in the name of or on behalf of the Company in relation to business activities, ensuring compliance with Anti-Corruption regulations.
The Model therefore aims to act as a guide when it comes to tackling corruption-related risks that could occur while carrying out business activities. Furthermore, it should be noted that if the provisions provided for by a local law of one of the countries in which the Company operates are more restrictive than this Model, the Company undertakes to operate in compliance with them.
To fight corruption, Webuild adopts a whistleblowing system based on an external web portal. It allows employees to anonymously communicate potential violations, guaranteeing protection from all forms of retaliation, discrimination or penalization, in compliance with international best practices. In compliance with Anti-Corruption Model, pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, alternative reporting channels are also available, via e-mail or ordinary letter mail;
Anyone can contact Webuild: employees, suppliers, consultants or, more generally, stakeholders of the Group. Webuiild, through its Compliance Department, ensures analysing all reports received and collecting the objective elements aimed at adopting measures that correct the detected violations. The whistleblower will always be informed on the results of the investigations with regard to what was reported.
The results of the analyses are also the subject of information towards governance bodies and corporate governance bodies, including, due to its area of responsibility, the Integrity Board.
For reports and information: